Positive impacts for your business


Focusing on sustainability has many business benefits for SMEs

In addition to the environmental and societal benefits of embracing sustainable practices, importantly we believe there is a strong business case for SMEs to become more sustainable. Below are just a few top line advantages:

Cost Savings:

    • Reduced energy and resource consumption lowers operational costs.
    • Efficient waste management minimises disposal expenses.
    • Insurance costs may be reduced long-term with sustainable practices.

Competitive Advantage & Brand Reputation:

    • Sustainability practices can differentiate SMEs in the market.
    • Attract environmentally conscious customers.
    • Positive sustainability practices enhance brand reputation and trust.
    • Generates customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth.

Supply Chain Relations & Global Market Access:

      • Demonstrating sustainable practices will increasingly be necessary to supply larger suppliers and public sector clients.
      • Collaborative efforts for sustainability can lead to cost savings and efficiency.
      • Complying with international sustainability standards enables access to global markets.
      • Attracts international customers and partners.

Employee Engagement:

    • Attracts and retains talent who value working for socially responsible companies.
    • Can improve morale and productivity.

Access to Funding:

    • Sustainability initiatives can make SMEs more attractive to investors and lenders.
    • Can lead to access to green financing options – we anticipate eventually a credible sustainability plan will give access to cheaper finance.

Innovation & Long Term Viability:

    • Encourages product and process innovation.
    • Positions SMEs for emerging green markets.
    • Ensures business continuity by addressing environmental and social challenges.
    • Future-proofs the business against shifting consumer preferences.

SMEs that embrace sustainability not only contribute to a more sustainable future but also stand to gain numerous business advantages for their operations, growth, and reputation.

How you can embrace sustainability: quick wins for individuals and SMEs

The prospects can seem daunting, but like many things in life, starting small and embedding the habits into the day-to-day is the best way forward.

  1. Money talks. Where you keep it has an impact.
    a) Switch your pension: Making your pension green has multiple times more impact than going vegan, not flying or recycling.
    b) Switch your bank: Use bank.green to find out which banks have a better sustainability record for your cash savings.

  2. Switch your providers to those who fund climate action.
    a) Switch to a green energy tariff.
    b) Switch your search engine.
    c) Switch your website hosting.

  3. Buy used/refurbished where possible.

  4. Offset what you can’t reduce – We use Ecologi.

  5. See where else you can make gains by Avoiding, Reducing, Reusing, Recycling.

  6. Educate – Your Team, your Clients and your Suppliers.

Our sustainability journey

In 2020 while still working remotely due to Covid, we attempted to measure our pre-Covid carbon footprint using conversion factors available online. Initial measurements showed there were a number of areas we could start making improvements. Since implementing these actions our estimated annual carbon reduction was 2,160kg CO2e, 55% of our previously measured emissions. We have also reached a number of key milestones:

For more details regarding our achievements to date, plus our long-term sustainability targets, download a copy of our Sustainability Plan below.

Looking for support with your own sustainability journey?

We’ve teamed up with Small99 to deliver an introduction, initial measurements, consultation, reporting and accountability programme for our clients. Interested to find out more? Get in touch.